In the fast paced lives we lead in this modern world, we often times have no words or template for slowing down and honoring the sacred passages of our lives. The very special time of pregnancy, post partum , and new parenthood offers us a special window to slow down and explore the spiritual side of these tender and precious transitions. To honor and acknowledge these stages as the Sacred Rites of Passage that they are, I offer facilitation of the following ceremonies:

Dreamwork sessions:

Birth IS mystery. It is primal, primordial. In this heightened state of being you may find that your dreams become quite vivid, offering you up many images and feelings . Our dreams are a gateway in to our deepest truths, feelings, desires, fears. As an avid student of dreaming, I have spent many years tracking my own experiences with dreams and applying their messages and wisdom to enrich my waking life. In a typical dreamwork session, we would work with a dream that you share. We may begin by doing some grounding first ( through our breath and body) , oil or incense to open our intuition ( if you are okay with fragrance) and then sit with the dream together. We will explore the themes of the dream , and see what message we may find within, as it relates to your outer everyday world. *Weaving your inner world with your outer is the intention of this work * Please note that I would not simply be interpreting your dream for you, but rather using my tools and outside vision to help you to look deeper in to what this dream means for you, perhaps gaining a deeper understanding of yourself along the way.

$75 + tax per Dream Work Session

Mothers Honoring Ceremony:

In a ceremonial circle of the important women in your life, we gather to honor and acknowledge your journey of becoming a mother. We offer you encouragement and love, reflecting all your strengths back to you, empowering you for the amazing job you are about to do, birthing not just your baby, but also yourself as a new mother. $136 plus agreed upon supplies

Mothers Postpartum Closing Ceremony:

Similar to the Mothers Honoring Ceremony, we gather again 6-8 weeks post partum to honor the New Mother. We gather to hear her birth story, to rub her feet and shoulders, bearing witness to her experience thus far. You have journeyed through pregnancy and birth, and now we circle around to honor you and help you gather back in to yourself so you can move forward in your new role in a strong and centered way. $136 plus agreed upon supplies

In both of these ceremonies, I will meet ahead of time with either you or a person whom you choose that knows you well to plan what feels most supportive to you.

image of Father holding child

*Price doesn't include tax*

****** Disclaimer: I am NOT a licensed therapist or psychologist, and do not pretend to be one. I offer this work from a place of my own years of studying dreams , combined with my years of yoga , meditation, and ceremonial work